#MotivationMonday: Stand

Mikhail Bell, ParkerMather, motivation, bodybuilder
Have the courage to be amazing.

December is the time of year when most people start to wind down. Full of turkey and lulled to sleep with presents, most wait until January 1 to start anew. However there is nothing special about January 1, it just makes counting your resolution easier.

Instead take a stand now. Decide that you are fed up. Kick the status quo in the face. Then do it again.

Motivational thought: Each day you are given 86,400 opportunities to move the needle in life.

What does it mean to stand? I am not deploying the term in the conventional, literal sense. Rather standing conveys a mental disposition to move deliberately in a specific direction.

Standing has been my latest life lesson. When everything in an environment calls you to be small, stand up. When you are exhausted, stand. When you forgot why you started, stand.

Remember you are good enough. You are capable. Your goal is neither unattainable nor are your demands unreasonable.

As 2013 concludes, here are a few quotes to help you refocus:

“’But’ is an argument for our limitations. And when we argue for our limitations we get to keep them.” – Anonymous

“If there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do us no harm.” – African proverb

“Learn to make sacrifices. Sometimes to get to the top, you have to take people with you.” – Eric Thomas [For my fellow millennials]

“When you die, die on E. Leave no dream left behind.” – Eric Thomas

“If you can look up, you can get up.” – Les Brown

“Greatness is a lot of small things done well.” – Anonymous

If reading this blog post awakens a familiar desire for more, cultivate that x-factor. Remember and embrace that truth.

Go forth,


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